Welcome to the official blog of Robert Stanek. Robert Stanek is the
author of many books for young people and adults. This blog is maintained
for historical purposes. Robert's current blog is at
Sunday, February 26,
Novel, A
Books &
A Whole
Lot of
Buster and friends had a terrific holiday. Dag got a surprise from Santa too, even though he didn’t ask for anything. Dag and Buster had fun recently on vacation together…
After vacation, Buster, up to his usual hijinks, got himself into trouble when he didn't clean his room.
Meanwhile, Dag's Mom learned he was playing video games he wasn't supposed to. Oh no, is that Gears of War, Dag?
Love Valentine's Day? You're not alone. A few thousands readers downloaded my Happy Valentine's Day Screensaver for Windows. The customizable screensaver has 3D hearts, a flower clock, and more. Wallpaper and backgrounds are posted too for iPhone & other smart phones, iPad & other tablets, and computers.
Thanks for reading. Until next time.
Great year to be indie! Rise of the
Fallen ( http://amzn.to/tqiBDB)
and Into the Stone Land ( http://amzn.to/uPkrYa),
my latest novels, continue to be
popular, especially at libraries. Twelve
Dresses, One Star ( http://amzn.to/so7zrF)
is a new Bugville picture book.
Buster and friends are having a great
holiday, and already are thinking about
the big celebrations. Dag even started a
letter to Santa...
While Buster was experiencing a little
Holiday Hijinks of his own...
A few fans thought, this was the
ultimate screensaver, though some didn't
understand the subtle message hidden in
the subtext. I'm sure you do though,
Thanks for reading. Until next time.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Getting closer to 2
important milestones: the 10th anniversary of Ruin
Mist's first publication and the 500,000th Ruin Mist
book. Beyond
that, it's been a busy time the past few
months preparing and launching Bugville Jr and
Bugville Learning Adventures. The fifteen original
books are now releasing and becoming available just
about everywhere. As of today, I also just finished
reviewing the related audio books. I adapted each
original picture book specifically for audio,
ensuring each was a standalone production that
worked well in the audio format.
Adaptation was
necessary as the original books rely heavily on a
visual theme. With a book like Buster's Undersea
Counting Expedition 1 to 20, which uses the theme of
arriving undersea life to encourage counting, this
meant reworking the text to help readers better
imagine a journey under the sea based on audio cues
and to encourage young listeners to participate
interactively in the adventure as they listen.
Bugville Jr and
Bugville Learning Adventures audio books will be
available separately and in special collections of
multiple titles. Here's a look at all the books:
Originally posted 11:58 AM UTC, May 3, 2010.
Moved to Blogger.com Feb 11, 2011
Dear Reader,
As most readers know, my 100th book was
published in 2009, and it marked an
important milestone in my writing
career. If you asked me in 2002 after Keeper
Martin's Tale was
on the Amazon SciFi Top 50 bestseller
list for 26 consecutive weeks or in 2005
after Kingdoms
and the Elves of the Reaches dominated
Audible's Top 10 Fiction list for most
of the year whether I'd still be writing
after 100 books, I might not have said
yes. But today, I cannot imagine doing
anything else.
I've been writing stories most of my
life, had my first book published in
1995, and writing is my life. It's what
I do as both a job and as a hobby. Most
people know I also write nonfiction as
William Stanek. The William
Stanek books
are my job, and I love writing them. TheRobert
Stanek books
are my hobby and I love writing them
too. It's a strange marriage of two
Although writing the William
Stanek books
requires my days, my nights, my
weekends, and my holidays, I've always
kept writing the Robert
Stanek books.
I steal quiet moments to write a few
sentences at a time, work in the wee
hours of the night or morning. Whether
I'm sitting in my easy chair or out and
about, I'm always writing, always
scratching out new ideas. The creative
process renews me. It helps me think in
new ways; it helps me stay fresh; it
helps me keep focused--and creative
thinking, staying fresh, and keeping
focused are important for all writing.
Big news for Ruin Mist readers.
Rise of the Fallen is
being released/was released in May 2010.
This is the first book in the new Ruin
Mist series called Dawn of the Ages.
Betrayal also
is being released/was released in May
2010. This is the first official Ruin
Mist comic book. The four comic books in
this new series will be collected in the
"A Daughter of Kings" graphic novel.
Lots of Bugville news also. Reagent
Press has released all 16 of my original
Bugville Critters books now in print, e,
and audio. The latest releases are small
format starting at $5.99. These
small-sized editions don't have the
bold, beautiful paper of the large,
premiums starting at $9.99, but they
have the same stories and illustrations.
Continuing with the tradition started
with the original Bugville Critters
books, the newest Bugville books were
released first in audio. The twelve new
adventures for Buster and his pals are:
1. Every Letter Has Its Day
2. Every Day Is Different
3. Catching A Cup Of Sunshine
4. Every Letter Has A Sound
5. Every Number Counts
6. The BIG Number Count Down
7. Explore the Solar System
8. Remember Their Manners
9. Go to Camp
10. Save Their Allowance
11. Start Summer Vacation
12. Visit the Library
These books were released in audio in
2009. They're fully illustrated and
typeset now and will be coming out in
print in 2010 and 2011. The 12 new books
make a total of 28 fun-filled adventures
starring Buster, Lass, Cat, Dag, and all
the other loveable critters of Bugville.
Some cool facts about Bugville:
I developed the idea for the
Bugville Critters in the 1990s and
wrote the first book in 1996. When
that book was published in 2007,
nearly a decade later, I had already
completed 28 Bugville Critters
books. With the final typesetting of
"Visit the Library" recently, my
15-year journey in Bugville is
complete (but I fervently hope, not
at an end).
My children are the ones who urged
me to get the Bugville Critters
books published and that is what I
set out to do in 2004. It took
nearly four years to get the first
set of books into print.
To bring the books to audio, I began
working with voice artists in 2005.
It took four years of work with
multiple voice artists to get to the
release of all 28 Bugville Critters
audio books.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for
your support.
Take care,
Robert Stanek