Original Wiki Page
The following is the text of the Wikipedia pages created by readers of my
books. Apparently this Wikipedia page was so threatening to Patrick Rothfuss and
his associates that
it needed to be deleted.
Thank you to the readers who believed so much in my work that they created
these wonderful pages.
Thank you to those who secreted these pages away and preserved them.
Thank you to those who continue to send updates to these pages c/o
robertstanek @ robertstanek.com.
I thank you for all the care you put into this.
God bless and take care,
Robert Stanek
The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches
The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches is a fantasy series written by
Robert Stanek originally as a children's story in the
tradition of a fairy tale. It was first published in February, 2002. A revised
edition was published in 2005, which restored some of the original story and
many of the original character/place names (which were thought difficult to
pronounce because of their slavic, germanic, and asian origins). An illustrated
edition, to be published in 2006, restores multiple lost chapters and scenes,
including the crucial first meeting of Vilmos and Xith.
The story follows the adventures of the princess Adrina Alder, the would-be
wizard Vilmos Tabborrath, and the elven warrior Seth as they each set out
separately determined to understand the terrible change overtaking their world.
== Synopsis ==
Three heroes set out on an epic journey of discovery only to find that at the
end of their journey nothing is what they thought it was and that is undergoing
a transformation that will change everything. Survival in a changing world
depends on their ability to adapt and if they fail, their world and everything
they believe in will perish.
The books are a story of a terrible change sweeping the world and of a struggle
for power. In the kingdoms, King Andrew and King Jarom fight for control, and
there is intrigue, plotting, and scheming. In the reaches, the queen and king of
the elves struggle against each other for control of their lands.
== Main Characters ==
King Andrew is the patriarch of House Alder. The main characters in this family
are King Andrew's children:
Adrina....Youngest daughter of King Andrew. She is becoming a woman and has many
concerns for her future and that of her family.
Midori....Daughter of King Andrew who has been exiled. Her given name is
Delinna. She took the name Midori after becoming a priestess.
Valam....Only son of King Andrew, also known as the Lord and Prince of the
Calyin....Oldest daughter of King Andrew. She lives in the far north with her
husband the Lord of the North.
King Jarom is the patriarch of House Tyr'anth. In the early books not much
information is provided about this powerful family. That changes as Emel makes
his way through the southern kingdoms, and as King Jarom's plots become bolder.
Other characters in the books hail from places within and beyond the kingdoms.
These characters include:
Emel....Young guardsman who is one of Adrina's closest friends.
Galan....Elf from East Reach across the great sea.
Jacob....A priest of the father and friend to House Alder.
Martin....A keeper of the lore, guardian of the ancient texts and knowledge.
Seth....Elf from East Reach across the great sea.
Vilmos....Young boy from Tabborrath Village in Sever. Sever is one of the
southern kingdoms.
William....Prince of Sever who becomes king after his father's death.
Xith....Vilmos' benefactor who rescues him and leads him away from his homeland.
These characters have significant parts to play in the books, but they are not
the only characters in the books. Other characters include Edward Tallyback, the
troant, Myrial, the servant girl, and Ansh Brodst, captain of the Imtal guard.
== Editions ==
Reagent Press of the United States published the first edition of The Kingdoms
and the Elves of the Reaches in 2002. A revised edition was published in 2005,
which restored some of the original story and many of the original
character/place names (which were thought difficult to pronounce because of
their slavic, germanic, and asian origins). An illustrated edition, to be
published in 2006, restores multiple lost chapters and scenes, including the
crucial first meeting of Vilmos and Xith.
Hard cover, audio, library and trade editions are also available. The Kingdoms
and the Elves of the Reaches has been or is being translated into many
languages. Known languages include: Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Bulgarian,
Vietnamese, and Korean.
== See Also ==
In the Service of Dragons
Ruin Mist
Ruin Mist Chronicles
== External Links ==
http://www.robertstanek.com The Official Robert Stanek web site
http://www.themagiclands.com The Official Magic Lands web site
http://www.ruinmist.com The Official Ruin Mist web site
http://www.reagentpress.com Reagent Press Robert Stanek's publisher
http://robertstanekfan.tripod.com/index.htm Robert Stanek fan directory