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The Original Wiki Pages


Original Wiki Page

The following is the text of the Wikipedia pages created by readers of my books. Apparently this Wikipedia page was so threatening to Patrick Rothfuss and his associates that it needed to be deleted. 

Thank you to the readers who believed so much in my work that they created these wonderful pages.

Thank you to those who secreted these pages away and preserved them.

Thank you to those who continue to send updates to these pages c/o robertstanek @ robertstanek.com.

I thank you for all the care you put into this.

God bless and take care,

Robert Stanek


Ruin Mist Chronicles

Ruin Mist Chronicles is the epic fantasy series by American author Robert Stanek. The series is published as four books: Keeper Martin's Tale, Kingdom Alliance, Fields of Honor, and Mark of the Dragon.

== See Also ==

Robert Stanek

The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches books

In the Service of Dragons

Ruin Mist